back in the saddle.

Hey Guys,

So Ive been back home for a week now, and things have been hectic. Ive been working my tail off catching up with paperwork for the club, getting back to teaching, as well as training as much as I possibly can. I wasn’t planning on continuing to blog after the trip but so many people have told me they enjoyed reading this thing (cant imagine why?) and that they hoped I continued to blog (again…?) ha ha, so I decided to keep posting stuff.

Its been great for me as instructor to get back home, and see how much everyone has improved since Ive been away, its always very apparent (especially during the summer) who’s putting in the work and who isn’t. For those of you who aren’t, your gonna have to watch your asses when you get back in the fall, lol. I feel very blessed to have great coach’s, team-mates, and students that were all (seemingly 😉 happy to have me back.

Next few days are going to continue to be crazy, were working on some big things at WCBJJ. First thing for me is taking over the JR program at Poco with Morgans help, this is gonna be a lot of work, but lots of fun. Very near and dear to my heart is getting the serious competition team classes going asap. We have so many talented guys at West Coast, and if there’s 1 thing I learned for sure in Brazil, its that we can compete with anyone in the world, but we need to get buts in gear pushing each other to be the best we can be. We have 1 day narrowed down, and that is Sundays in Poco, directly following the normal adult class ( 12:00-1:30), we will be going 1:30-3:00 lead by our general Don. I will keep you guys updated and let you know about other days and sessions when I know.

That’s about it for now, teaching lots the next 3 days, before going to the States for a night with my family, (although I might sneak in a morning roll Sunday before I go 😉 See you all on the mats soon!

Jason Gagnon

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